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My Stalkers


Friday, December 6, 2013

Obama: Flags To Be Flown At Half-Staff In Honor Of Nelson Mandela...

Yea you read that right. Do you smell the bullshit cooking? He doesn't hesitate to lower the flags for Mandela, but he drags his feet for other people that deserved the honor over him: Norman Schwarzkopf, Chris Kyle. Margaret Thatcher would of been a better suitor giving Britain is our closest ally.

And its not just one day, oh no its 3 days. And if you are as much of a history buff and Patriot as me we all know what tomorrow is. Yep that's right, he made it to over shadow one of the darkest days in our history, taking away from the true hero's of this great nation.

You can read that here:

But on the other side I find this headline in which more should follow suit:

South Carolina Sheriff Refuses To Lower Flag For Mandela

AP Photo

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