

Rated R

Rated R

My Stalkers

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Times They Are A Changin

Alot of shit has happened in the past year. Too much to really get into right now, maybe another day, another post. For the past few months my life and my family's life has been on hold. Alot of not knowing and no answers. All we do know is there is love among our families and we have full support on our decision that may be coming in the near future. Its an easy but tough decision but one that needs to be made and needs an answer. Im not really the kind of person to sit around and wait n see what happens, I im the one that will step up and take action. I will continue posting it may become intermittent durin the coming weeks but ill try my best to keep my follower, haha my followers entertained =)

Country Rebel

1 comment:

  1. Good luck brother, I'm in the same boat. Life can really suck sometimes ...........;-(


How does this make you feel?