I know this photo may be a little disturbing to some but I wanted to stress the importance of speed limit and watching the surrounding areas ahead of you while driving. On Friday (2/14/14) this mature doe was hit by a speeding driving infront of my fathers house. Upon impact the car shattered her rear legs and left the animal suffering and wounded. County Sheriff came to scene where a permit was issued to me to put the deer down, gut her, and have the deer processed. When gutting her, we found out she was pregnant, with triplets which is rare in itself. Not only did this driver kill one deer, but killed 4. Hunting is a passion of mine, has been since the first time my dad took me hunting. It's a shame to see something like this first hand. To all my fellow hunters, be aware of the speed limit and your surroundings. No one wants to hit a deer, sometimes you can't do anything about it, but we don't want to have this happen. Just thought I would share as seeing triplets is a rare sight.
I am a hunter and I hate to see this happen. At least the mother will be able to provide food...
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