

Rated R

Rated R

My Stalkers


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Its Bout That Time... Again.

So here we are our government has been shut down. Our WWII Vets can't see the monument dedicated to them and their fellow fallen comrades. Last I checked they were public monuments and obama hired guards to keep people out. If anything open them up and post the guards around the monuments so no sorry sumbitch defaces them. The stock market is falling. Politicians are blaming each other, well mainly just the democrats. With harry reid head lining that offense. Oh and don't forget that kerry signed a UN gun ban treaty a few days ago... look for a back door sweep there.

So I come to the conclusion to bring the rifles out of the closet, give them a thorough goin through and oil them up and count the munitions. We The People can't and won't take much more. And if shit keeps goin this way this country may very well see another revolution. Its been a long time coming, but if you look back in history, its coming around. Some of my quick math; mine, not yours, not some book head, mine so you can take it with a grain of salt or accept it or figure it out yourself; we really ain't do for a major war til 2030. just about every 80 years America is involved in a major conflict.

So be ready, be prepared and soldier on! 


  1. Took mine to the range last week, you should get out and get some firing time in. I don't want you rusty while watching my flank.

  2. Heard that! My usual spots are 'off limits' right now due to deer season. Ive been helpin my friends build their skills and arsenal so I have someone on my flank.


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