And on that note neither did Papa!
My computer time is limited here lately due to the fact of chores... But what i have been catchin here and there nothing has changed. Except john kerry thought he was doin us a favor to sign the UN gun ban. Which hopefully the republican majority senate will kill it, which they have said in the past they will not support it. Also I have picked up is a bill that funds the federal government but does not fund obamacare. But it may have been turned down already. Feel free to discuss or fill me in more. Lifes been a lil hectic but its slowly gettin back to normal like it once was so long ago.
"Which hopefully the republican majority senate will kill it..."
ReplyDeleteSenate is not a GOP majority, but ratification needs a 2/3rds supermajority, which is highly unlikely.
Yea that was my goof... my mind has been all caddywampus. But the point of the matter is the senate did say earlier with a letter if i recall to obama saying they would not support any UN gun ban affecting our 2nd Amendment rights.