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My Stalkers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Future of Farming

I found this on my facebook from a friend that is still in FFA. For you that do not know what that is, it use to stand for Future Farmers of America. Now its just known as the FFA. Its one of the largest teenage ran organizations in America and in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The sad thing is its slowly disappearing. I was a member in high school and enjoyed every minute. It taught me more bout farming, welding, carpentry and wildlife beyond what I already knew. But sadly the school was 'over budget' and it cut the agriculture class and FFA out, even tho it was the largest organization in the school. It's all bout sports now in school, that teaches you nothin in life. Also other organizations are putting the pressure on FFA such as peta, hsus, the human society. I do not capitalize those as I don't respect them as real organizations. I recognize them for putting a bad name on farmers and ranchers and hurting the industry. As Mike Rowe said this country is based on farming and mining and this so-called organizations are out to hurt and stop it. In my opinion we need an organization like the FFA to educate the younger generation and to put a fight up against these organizations. The organizations such as peta and hsus are thoughtless people that are trying to stop how many of us work and live. They don't believe in the good ole American way and that makes them unamerican to the most extreme measures. We need more people like Mike Rowe to speak up. Like he said why don't farmers want to be called farmers anymore? It has come clear to me, its because of these anti organizations. My question to these organizations is this? Do you eat? Do you drink? Do you live in a house? If the answer is yes then why are you hurting the industry that is feeding you and your family? Farming and Mining is what this country was based on when it first started and will always be based on. The sad thing is these organizations are winning the battle and killing the agriculture in this country. They are brain washing these people in the political spot light that really just don't have a clue what its like to put in a hard days work. Farmers in my opinion are my idols and i try to help them when I can. I mean even my job is based off farming and mining. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't even have a job on the railroad. I hope the future generations will still put a fight up to save this country. I may be rambling at this point but im trying to get my point across. These organizations are endangering our food supply and our way of life that few have worked to keep. Also the government is doing nothin to help either. Farms are being foreclosed on and the government wont help to keep them running. We must keep farms open n running plan n simple. I hate seeing these farms close and I especially hate seeing houses put up where a farm stood for so long through the generations. Where a farmer put his blood, sweat n tears into the land to not even break even at the end of the year, but got the satisfaction that he grew a crop or raised animals that fed families across America.

In closing we must open the eyes of the future generation and put up a fight against these organizations that are trying to put this industry out to pasture.

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