

Rated R

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My Stalkers

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What Every Patriot In Connecticut Needs To Print Out, Sign And Send In

An open letter from anyone in Connecticut to their state government! Thank you Michael Morris for sending this in!

Please feel free to share and use! Let's send a strong message!

"Dear State of Connecticut,

Thank you for your letter dated 2 January 2014 in regards to my alleged ownership of firearms referenced in “Public Act 13-3 as amended by Public Act 13-220″ . I am writing this to formally notify you that I am unable to comply with the terms you have proposed in this letter. “Public Act 13-3 as amended by Public Act 13-220″ is a blatant infringement on my Rights as codified in the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and is therefore rendered moot. Further any Agent of the State of Connecticut who attempts to enforce any provision of “Public Act 13-3 as amended by Public Act 13-220″ is in violation of his/her Oath of Office and not entitled to any form of protection under the color of law. The use of force by any agent of the State of Connecticut in an effort to enforce “Public Act 13-3 as amended by Public Act 13-220″ will be considered a criminal act against my person or the person of any other Citizen of the United states, and will be met accordingly.

Molon Labe."

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How does this make you feel?