

Rated R

Rated R

My Stalkers

Friday, January 23, 2015

American Sniper


Went and saw this movie the other night with a friend on the fire dept. I read his book, which was very good, and I think the movie was very good as well.  Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper did it right and as long as Chris Kyle's dad gave it his blessings theres no reason to beat a dead frog.

What bites my ass is the critics or people that think their word means gold, but in the real world it ain't worth the air they spoke or the area they take up. Moore can go suck on an RPG as far as I give a shit and anyone else who speaks poorly of it.

While on the other hand the movie Selma came out and its not worth the film that was wasted on it. Haven't seen it and never plan on it. I worked in Selma for 3 years and let me tell you it has gone to shit in a hand basket. At night you can hear gun fire ring out. I've been pullin through town on a train and have had beer bottles thrown at the engine, one hit the window just inches from my head. People told me a decade or 2 ago it use to be quite nice small city. Nothing has changed and doubt anything will. The negros still hold on to their racism as the whites, well they just go bout their business and laugh bout the rest. 


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