I've been asked several times what runs in the blood. Simple, firefighting. I am a 4th generation volunteer firefighter on my dad's side and probably atleast that on my mom's side. I grew up around the fire station since I could remember. So I had a pretty interesting childhood and an early love for the smell of smoke, rolling hoses and washing trucks. Out of all my friends I had the only dad that was a firefighter. So it was only natural that I followed my dad. I joined the fire department and rescue squad at 18 and ran with the same department for 6 years. I moved away for 3 and missed it everyday. Something was missing, the feel of helping others at their time of need, the brotherhood, the rush when the pager went off and the feel and sound of the truck when it was put in gear. My friends all thought I was nuts. In 6 years I saw alot that some people just can't comprehend or would be able to take seeing. I'll admit I saw some awful things and I still have demons that haunt me from time to time, but that's the nature of the beast. Not everyone can do the job. You just gotta keep going.
So after moving back I rejoined a fire department that my brother-in-law once served on and my father-in-law was on for 30 plus years. Unfortunately I was never able to serve with him as he passed away a few years ago. We would always exchange stories on calls we went on. My wife also grew up around the fire station.
So once again my life feels complete.

Late 30's pumper./\
Newer pumper\/

On nozzle bout ready to make entry.

On nozzle bout ready to make entry

Made entry and making way upstairs.

Just got out of the fire and needing my tank changed.

I took this from a US military fire dept. that had this on the side of their pumper.

Thanksgiving 2008


2009 We mutual aided with a neighboring department for this barn fire.

Assessing a MVA at 2 in the mornin.

Decided we had to take the roof off to get the victim out.

Using the cutters to get the roof off.

Finally got the roof off and patient out and handed off to the chopper.

This ended up being my buddies truck, my buddy wasn't driving, but I knew who the driver was.
Loved it. Don't miss it. Especially on sub-freezing nights.